Saturday, November 15, 2008

Running Update #2

Ok- so I have made some progress toward my running goal. I jogged the track at the Y today for 12 whole laps without stopping!!! That is 2 miles baby! I don't pretend to think I am amazing yet- some people I've talked to about running casually mention the fact that they "warmed up" with a 3 mile run. WHAT?
Anyway, 2 miles is great for me, and to tell you the truth.....I actually didn't loathe every minute of it this time. I just strapped on my i-pod (onto which I had downloaded some running songs which were suggested on runnersworld), and I went for it. I may get to my goal early- but who knows.

Hope you all have a great day!


Peg said...

You are awesome! I am not doing so well reaching my goal. I am sooooo weak.

Liberty Rings said... are doing awesome! i been working out and hitting the gym pretty hard! i have lost 20 lbs so far! =) as you can see..i am very proud of myself!