Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Blessings and Happiness!

First of all- Happy Thanksgiving to all family and friends out there! I have so many things to be thankful for, but here are a few that I am especially thankful for right now. (Note: these things may change from moment to moment, but they're happiness now)
1. Cookie dough
2. Mimi's blog- little Mia's heart to be specific:
3. Chase's cute voice- especially the way he says Xavier (Zayer)
4. Chris' video game addiction- while I don't appreciate the finer points of Call of Duty 4 or 5, I can appreciate the extra time he gets to spent vegging out and playing with friends
5. Gavin's laugh- the really belly-deep laugh that he gets when he thinks something is absolutely hilarious. It used to be the really old Bugs Bunny cartoons that would do this- love it!
6. Xavier's cute face- isn't he just the cutest little boo?
7. Mason's "I'm too cool" attitude. While it's not going to be cute in the future- specifically in the junior-high years, right now the way he tells a little girl who has a crush on him "S'up", and nonchalantly walks on- how cool can an 8-year old get? (Note: I did tell him that he should have at least talked to her a little- there's a difference between rudeness and coolness)
8. I love how God has blessed me with such a wonderful family. I truly love the moments that I get to spend with them- whether they make me nuts or not- I wouldn't want any other family.

Hope you all have a fabulous Turkey Day- I plan to eat a lot, but then go to the gym sometime this weekend, perhaps twice.

1 comment:

Livin' La Vida Lanphear said...

We missed you guys at Thanksgiving. Hope you had a great one!