Well, it was bound to happen- Chase turned three today. I can't believe it's been that long since he was born! He adds so much spunk to our house- I don't know what we did before we had him. Here are a few things that I really love (or love to hate) about my little boy:
1. Chase is a very strong-willed child- but I suppose I don't have to worry as much about peer-pressure when he's in high school- he only does what he wants to!
2. He has such a sweet smile!
3. He is a momma's boy- sometimes he absolutely exhausts me- but I hope in another few years he will still want me to sit on the couch with him or to hold his hand everywhere he goes.
4. Chase is very polite!
5. He loves hugs- and can squeeze harder than most kids I've hugged!
6. He looks up to his brothers and wants to do everything they do, down to the wrestling exercises and bike-riding.
I am so happy that Chase is my little guy- and I love him so much! Happy birthday chunky!